Starter P side-banded at planting is beneficial for corn growth, maturity, grain yield, and grain moisture compared to fall deep-banded P. Strip-till corn performed similar to conventionally planted corn, and is a promising practice for soil and moisture conservation in southern Manitoba. Strip-till equipment moves…
Research by PG Economics Limited, a United Kingdom advisory and consultancy firm, found that genetically modified (GM) crops have increased global food, feed and fibre production by nearly 1 billion tonnes (1996-2020). At the same time, the technology helped farmers reduce the environmental footprint associated…
In winter wheat cropping systems, pre-plant weed management combined with two in-crop fungicide applications optimized grain yield. An in-crop herbicide application proved to be unnecessary, however multiple applications of fungicides were needed to optimize grain yield and grain protein concentration. Winter wheat can offer substantial…
Research found increases in growing degree days, corn heat units, the number of frost-free days, and average, maximum and minimum air temperature on the Prairies. Average annual precipitation and growing season precipitation have increased in Canada, but western Canada had increases in some regions and…
Lentil intercropped with faba bean or chickpea had higher total seed yield and LER (Land Equivalent Ratio) than monocrop lentil. Field pea intercrop with faba bean and chickpea produced smaller seed yield, LER and inconsistent results compared to monocrop field pea. Intercropping has gained interest…
Wheat, canola and chickpea yield and the overall average water use efficiency increased linearly as stubble height increased to 18 inches (45 cm) compared to cultivated stubble. Water use was independent of stubble height. Previous research on the semiarid Prairies found that seeding into 12…
Fifty combines were tested for harvest loss, with average losses of 1.3 bu/ac (72.9 kg/ha) or 2.8% of total yield. The maximum combine loss measured was 10.7 per cent of the producer’s yield at 4.1 bu/ac. Minimizing combine grain loss is usually a balance between…
Canola yielded 24% higher when seeded into tall stubble, compared to stubble that had been cultivated in the fall. Additionally, canola seeded into tall stubble yielded 16% higher than if seeded into stubble that was left standing until spring, and then cultivated. On the semi-arid…
Swathed and direct-harvested canola suffered the same harvest seed losses, at 10.2% of total seed yield, and canola losses added to the seedbank averaged 830 viable seeds/ft2 (8300 viable seeds/m2). Before the development of shatter-resistant Brassica napus canola, seed shatter was a concern for canola…
Averaged across 4 years, tall stubble increased yields by about 13% and short stubble increased yields by about 4% compared to yields from cultivated stubble treatments. On the semi-arid Prairies, moisture is often the limiting factor in pulse crop production. While this research is 20…
Significant increases in annual, growing season, and seasonal minimum air temperatures occurred between 1901 and 2020. There was also significant increases in growing degree days, frost free days, total annual precipitation, growing season precipitation, and off-season precipitation. This study examined climate trends at the Breton…
Management strategies such as split N application and the use of a plant growth regulator can help reduce lodging while maximizing yield and protein in spring wheat production. Farmers are achieving higher wheat yields today than in the past; however, there remains a gap between…
A long term rotation study at Swift Current, Saskatchewan found that a diversified crop rotation with wheat-canola-wheat-pulse produced more grain and protein yield than traditional cereal or fallow systems. The rotation was more stable over the years, and had high nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). To…
The economic optimum seeding rate for irrigated soybeans in southern Alberta was calculated to be 58 seeds/m2 at 80% emergence, which is equivalent to 5.8 seeds/ft2 or 252,000 seeds/acre. In southern Alberta, the development of very early maturing varieties in the MG 00 and MG…
New Australian research shows that lentil crop improvement through a combination of hybrids and hybrid mimics could be used to substantially boost yields as high as 50 per cent greater than commercial varieties. Hybrid vigour or heterosis can be generated in a wide variety of…
A research study reviewed factors affecting nitrogen, sulphur and water use efficiencies, and found that 4R stewardship of nutrients and some agronomic practices provided the greatest improvements. Economic and environmental sustainability of canola production is gaining more scrutiny in this era of emissions reductions and…
Pea and lentil root lengths and depths were assessed as a breeding tool for cultivar selection. In field pea, the highest yielding cultivars were intermediary in both total root length and the proportion of root length found below 12 inches (30 cm) in the soil….
A long-term study at Indian Head, Saskatchewan evaluated the effect of medic on grain yield, N and P of flax, wheat and oats with three different N treatments. Overall, medic had the greatest impact on crop productivity at the low N rate of 20 per…
The gap between actual wheat yield and potential wheat yield has remained relatively stable since 1960 in the top 10 wheat producing countries. Understanding yield gaps between actual and potential yield is a tool to help increase wheat production around the world. Estimates indicate that…
For livestock producers, kochia is relatively high in crude protein and can be used as an alternative forage for alfalfa, or ensiled and used as an alfalfa silage replacement. Integrated crop-livestock systems may offer alternative weed control methods that are effective for managing herbicide-resistant kochia…
Simulated hail damage led to reductions in height, biomass, NDVI, grain yield, and kernel weight in wheat, field pea and dry bean. Average yield losses from heavy hail damage were up to 35% in wheat and dry bean, and 45% in field pea. Hail damage…
Moving to a high seeding rate increased DM and TDN yields and decreased CP and P concentrations in forage corn. Using a high nitrogen fertilizer rate increased yields of DM, TDN and CP, increased soluble protein concentration, and reduced P concentration. However, when net returns…
Low plant density, split nitrogen, and PGR application all showed potential to reduce lodging risk without reducing grain yield or protein concentration. Today’s high yielding spring wheat varieties bring with them the potential for lodging under high nitrogen inputs. The objectives of this study were…
Using fungicide and a high nitrogen (N) rate most consistently increased flax yield (11% increase). The combination of high plant density, narrow row spacing, high N fertilizer, and fungicide produced the highest yield response (23% more), but not in unfavorable growing environments. The most well-rounded…
Research shows that the highest plant densities and yields were produced at a narrow row spacing of 9 inches compared to those of 12, 18 and 24 inch spacings in a no-till production system. Increasing seeding rates of 2.8, 5.7 and 8.5 pounds per acre…
Forage dry matter yields of sainfoin-alfalfa mixtures were greater than sainfoin monocultures in all trials. However, sainfoin persistence levels in alfalfa-sainfoin mixtures were less than the recommended level to eliminate ruminant bloat risk. Further agronomic studies on optimum seeding ratios of alfalfa to sainfoin, and…
Sod-seeding alfalfa to rejuvenate perennial grass pastures using currently available zero-till seeding equipment can be a successful option for livestock producers. In the thin Black soil zone of western Canada, alfalfa continued to persist nine years after seeding whether herbicides were used at establishment or…
Environmental factors and location affect soybean phenology, seed yield and seed quality for early maturity groups in northern environments. Baseline environmental and phenological trends with established yield and seed quality components were developed for early maturing soybean that will support the optimization of soybean breeding…
Under irrigated and high-precipitation conditions, canola yield from 12 inch narrow-row precision planted canola was 10% higher than canola seeded with a 12 inch row air drill. However, under more water-limited conditions, yield from air drill seeded canola was equal or higher than the precision…
All cultivars in spring wheat classes CWRS, CWSWS, CPSR, CWSP and CNHR had similar yields between the 2C and 8C trigger planting temperatures. However, the ultra-early planting date had improved grain yield stability and improved growing system stability. Research from 2015 to 2018 by Collier…
A nitrogen fertilization rate of 44.5 lbs N/ac maximized canarygrass seed yield. Foliar fungicide application increased seed yield by 8.5%, and is important in areas where septoria leaf mottle is prevalent. The fungicide application did not improve the responsiveness of canarygrass to N fertilizer, so…
Compared to direct combining without pre-harvest glyphosate, research found no effect on oat quality when glyphosate is applied at a seed moisture content at 40% or less. When applied at the recommended seed moisture content of 30%, pre-harvest glyphosate had a similar impact on oat…
A meta-analysis of canola yield response to plant densities found that the economic optimal canola plant stand is 6 to 7 plants per square foot assuming recent 3 year average hybrid seed cost of $11.84/lbs., and farmgate canola price of $10.22/bu, hybrid seed size of…
For this study conducted in southern Alberta on irrigated and dryland plots, the precision planter with 12 inch spacing increased seedling emergence and plant stand density compared to an air drill on 12-inch spacing or precision planter with 20 inch spacing — as long as…
Seed wheat as soon as feasible after soil temperatures reach 0C, and prior to soils reaching 7.5–10C, with an optimal seeding rate of 40 seeds/ft2, and at a shallow seeding depth. Ultra-early seeded wheat increased grain yield and stability compared to current seeding practices. Using…
Wider row spacing in wheat is possible – up to 16 inches – but producers need to monitor their plant density to ensure they are reaching an adequate stand establishment to achieve optimum yield, especially since all seeding equipment may not maintain separation of seed…
Large seed and shallow seeding independently improved organic barley and oat production. In organic production, pre-seeding tillage is an important weed management strategy, however this can cause drier seeding conditions. To compensate, greater seeding depths are often used, which may reduce crop performance. A 2-year…
Up to 90% of total variation in soybean yield and quality was explained by environment, seeding date, cultivar and their interactions, with environment often responsible for the majority of the response. Overall, very late seeding reduced yield, seed weight, and oil but did not affect…
Direct seeding of productive and nutritive legume species into existing pasture is considered the most attractive option for pasture rejuvenation. For high performance grazing systems, identification of suitable bloat-free legumes and methods for direct seeding into old grass and legume stands will be essential strategies….
Niger grain yield increased linearly by 18% with increasing nitrogen rates. Seeding depths down to one inch (2.5 cm) allowed placement of seed into soil moisture to support emergence and optimize yield. Niger is an open-pollinated oilseed crop, and was domesticated in Ethiopia. While niger…
Overall, supplemental heating for natural air drying (NAD) systems does have the potential to be a lower capital alternative to heated air drying to extend the drying season; however, careful management is required to keep operating costs comparable to that of a dedicated dryer system….
While applying a pre-harvest or desiccant frequently provided drydown benefits in straight-cut canola, not applying a pre-harvest herbicide or desiccant should be considered a potentially viable option, especially for early seeded, reasonably uniform and weed free fields where a hybrid with good pod shatter tolerance…
Overall, all PGRs reduced lodging in some site-years on CDC Copeland malt barley. Moddus showed the largest reduction in lodging followed by Ethrel, although the Ethrel response was not consistent. Manipulator affect on lodging was inconsistent and quite minor in reducing lodging. None are recommended…
An optimum seeding rate between 30,000 and 35,000 seeds/ac for hybrid 63A21 sunflower, and between 40,000 and 45,000 seeds/ac for open-pollinated AC Sierra was determined under no-till cropping systems in Saskatchewan. At N fertilizer prices of around $0.50/lbs., the recommended N fertilizer rate based on…
Seeding early should increase the likelihood of harvesting quality grain before weathering, but this did not guarantee higher yields or higher test weights. Generally, 71 lbs. N/ac resulted in optimum test weights and often produced optimum economic returns. Selecting a variety with genetics for high…
Intercropping may be beneficial when the desired crop is field pea, with potential contributions to weed suppression and reductions in lodging. There was no indication of a yield advantage to intercropping peas and oats. If profitability can be derived from reductions in in-crop herbicide use,…
A nitrogen fertilizer rate of 89 lbs. N/ac provided the most consistent economic returns when oat prices were between $2.50 and $3.00 per bushel. Fungicide application did not provide a benefit at any N application rate. In an effort to maximize yield and quality, some…
Managing flax residue with vertical tillage, tandem disc, or rake and burn did not produce significantly higher yield for three subsequent wheat, pea and canola crops than chopping and spreading straw with the combine. Limited differences in soil attributes were observed, and they were diminished…
Pollinators increased yield by promoting earlier flowering and reducing loss associated with drought. However, pollinators were unable to compensate for suboptimal seeding rate or low nitrogen fertility. Get more bang for your buzz. This project consisted of three experiments that investigated whether pollinators could help…
Existing combine grain loss monitors could not be correlated to an actual grain loss measurement. However they did provide an indication if grain loss was increasing or decreasing with different feed rates. You can’t manage what you can’t measure. That adage from the business world…
This study compared three canola seeding rates (5, 10 and 15 seeds per square foot) with small and large seed size lots from two different hybrids. It concluded that the most economic and least risky seeding rate to achieve adequate plant stand population is about 10…
Dry canola seeds can be safely stored for up to 6 to 8 months in grain bags, but 12% moisture canola should only be stored for less than 5 months. Canola seeds above 12% moisture content should only be stored for 3 to 4 weeks…
High lentil productivity was attained in all major soil zones and agroclimatic zones in Alberta. Plant stand density, inoculation, nitrogen management, and weed control recommendations were found to be similar to Saskatchewan. Field trials were conducted at five locations over four years from 2012 through…
Barley silage and pea stubbles were identified as high-yielding alternatives with higher protein and greater stability compared to canola stubble in the Black soil zone. Barley grain stubble was identified as intermediate stubble option while oat stubble was a poor option. Research was conducted to…
Two research studies investigated best management practices for winter wheat stand establishment at 26 sites over three years across western Canada. A strong, integrated agronomic system with high seed rate near 40 plants per square foot, a dual fungicide/insecticide seed treatment, and vigorous seed provided…
Tannin-containing faba bean varieties had less frost-damaged seed after a frost event compared to zero-tannin varieties. Yield and Thousand Seed Weight (TSW) declined with increasing frost damage for both variety types. Ten faba bean varieties were assessed after a frost event that occurred during the…
Seeding large seeded oats improved early season oat biomass by 16% and 29% at two locations in eastern Saskatchewan. Large seeded oats also improved wild oat competition and resulted in 4 days earlier maturity. Yield was 8% higher at one site with large seed. Field…
Inter-row seeding field pea into 8 to 12 inch (20 to 30 cm) tall wheat stubble significantly improved standability between 6 to 23% when lodging occurred, and would be a low cost method of improving pea harvestability. The three plant growth regulators compared were of…
In a 3-year crop rotation, replacing summerfallow with a pulse crop increased total grain production by 35.5%, improved protein yield by 51%, and enhanced fertilizer-N use efficiency by 33%. A 3-year crop sequence study was repeated five times (five cycles) from 2005 to 2011 at…
Averaged over 6 years from 2010 to 2015, growing canola in rotation with other crops produced 19.4% (9.4 bu/ac) higher yield over continuous canola. Wheat yields were 4.7 bu/ac (7.2%) higher than continuous wheat. When a rotation included pea once every three years, a saving…
Research in Alberta found that advanced agronomic practices, including supplemental post-emergent nitrogen (N) fertilizer, a growth regulator, and dual foliar fungicide applications, contributed to higher feed barley yield when growing season precipitation was not limiting. Combined, the advanced agronomic practices produced an average of 9.3%…
Spatially uniform plant stands increased canola yield by up to 32 per cent at low-yielding sites and by up to 21 per cent at high yielding sites compared to non-uniform plant stands. Research by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientist Yantai Gan shows the importance…