Significant increases in annual, growing season, and seasonal minimum air temperatures occurred between 1901 and 2020. There was also significant increases in growing degree days, frost free days, total annual precipitation, growing season precipitation, and off-season precipitation. This study examined climate trends at the Breton Plots,...

Management strategies such as split N application and the use of a plant growth regulator can help reduce lodging while maximizing yield and protein in spring wheat production. Farmers are achieving higher wheat yields today than in the past; however, there remains a gap between yields...

A long term rotation study at Swift Current, Saskatchewan found that a diversified crop rotation with wheat-canola-wheat-pulse produced more grain and protein yield than traditional cereal or fallow systems. The rotation was more stable over the years, and had high nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). To meet...

The economic optimum seeding rate for irrigated soybeans in southern Alberta was calculated to be 58 seeds/m2 at 80% emergence, which is equivalent to 5.8 seeds/ft2 or 252,000 seeds/acre. In southern Alberta, the development of very early maturing varieties in the MG 00 and MG 000...

New Australian research shows that lentil crop improvement through a combination of hybrids and hybrid mimics could be used to substantially boost yields as high as 50 per cent greater than commercial varieties. Hybrid vigour or heterosis can be generated in a wide variety of...

A research study reviewed factors affecting nitrogen, sulphur and water use efficiencies, and found that 4R stewardship of nutrients and some agronomic practices provided the greatest improvements. Economic and environmental sustainability of canola production is gaining more scrutiny in this era of emissions reductions and climate...

Pea and lentil root lengths and depths were assessed as a breeding tool for cultivar selection. In field pea, the highest yielding cultivars were intermediary in both total root length and the proportion of root length found below 12 inches (30 cm) in the soil....

The gap between actual wheat yield and potential wheat yield has remained relatively stable since 1960 in the top 10 wheat producing countries. Understanding yield gaps between actual and potential yield is a tool to help increase wheat production around the world. Estimates indicate that an...

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