Simulated hail damage led to reductions in height, biomass, NDVI, grain yield, and kernel weight in wheat, field pea and dry bean. Average yield losses from heavy hail damage were up to 35% in wheat and dry bean, and 45% in field pea. Hail damage...

Moving to a high seeding rate increased DM and TDN yields and decreased CP and P concentrations in forage corn.  Using a high nitrogen fertilizer rate increased yields of DM, TDN and CP, increased soluble protein concentration, and reduced P concentration.  However, when net returns...

Low plant density, split nitrogen, and PGR application all showed potential to reduce lodging risk without reducing grain yield or protein concentration. Today’s high yielding spring wheat varieties bring with them the potential for lodging under high nitrogen inputs. The objectives of this study were to...

Using fungicide and a high nitrogen (N) rate most consistently increased flax yield (11% increase). The combination of high plant density, narrow row spacing, high N fertilizer, and fungicide produced the highest yield response (23% more), but not in unfavorable growing environments. The most well-rounded...

Research shows that the highest plant densities and yields were produced at a narrow row spacing of 9 inches compared to those of 12, 18 and 24 inch spacings in a no-till production system. Increasing seeding rates of 2.8, 5.7 and 8.5 pounds per acre...

Sod-seeding alfalfa to rejuvenate perennial grass pastures using currently available zero-till seeding equipment can be a successful option for livestock producers. In the thin Black soil zone of western Canada, alfalfa continued to persist nine years after seeding whether herbicides were used at establishment or...

Environmental factors and location affect soybean phenology, seed yield and seed quality for early maturity groups in northern environments. Baseline environmental and phenological trends with established yield and seed quality components were developed for early maturing soybean that will support the optimization of soybean breeding...

Under  irrigated and high-precipitation conditions, canola yield from 12 inch narrow-row precision planted canola was 10% higher than canola seeded with a 12 inch row air drill. However, under more water-limited conditions, yield from air drill seeded canola was equal or higher than the precision...

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