Combine harvesting spread wild oat seeds up to 475 feet (145 m) at population levels of more than 1 seed per square foot (10 seeds/m2). This compared to less than 1 seed/ft2 at 150 feet (45 m) with chaff collection. Wild oat distribution is typically patchy...

Two weeks after metribuzin treatment, chickpea mortality was 25% at the full label rate, and 56% for the 2X rate. Accumulated chlorosis and necrosis were similar for the control and 1/2X rate. The 1X rate significantly reduced pod production by 75% and was similar to...

In addition to genetic, physiological, and environmental factors, farming practices such as harvest timing, and tillage regimes can influence secondary dormancy of volunteer canola seed. Given the documented high heritability of secondary dormancy, it is feasible to reduce secondary dormancy in canola cultivars through plant...

Fall harrowing shortly after harvest increased volunteer canola seedling emergence in the fall, resulting in over-winter kill and reduced volunteer canola persistence. Volunteer canola is an on-going problem for farmers on the Prairies. This is partially because of significant harvest seed losses during combining, and also...

Patch expansion was attributed mainly to natural seed dispersal or seed movement by equipment at time of seeding. Extensive seed shed from plants in patches before harvest or control of herbicide resistant plants by alternative herbicides minimized seed movement by the combine harvester. Wild oat plants...

A survey of early adopters of physical impact mills found that wild oat (60%) and kochia (50%) were the weeds most frequently mentioned as specific motivators for impact mill purchase. Average increased fuel cost for a mill was estimated at $1.40/ac, with average annual maintenance...

Since the introduction of herbicide-resistant canola systems, difficult-to-control species such as cleavers, volunteer canola, green foxtail, and foxtail barley have increased in abundance. Green foxtail was associated with glyphosate-resistant systems. Wild oat was predominant in longer canola rotations with glufosinate and imidazolinone-resistant canola. Herbicide-resistant (HR) canola...

Fierce provided 99% visible control and biomass reduction of glyphosate-resistant downy brome 8 weeks after treatment. High rates of Focus and Heat Complete, and two rates of Authority Supreme provided excellent control greater than 90%. Glyphosate-resistant downy brome was confirmed in a glyphosate-resistant canola field in...

Group 1 and Group 2 herbicide-resistant weed patches were widespread in Saskatchewan covering an estimated 15.315 million acres (6.198 million ha) in a total field area of 28.211 million acres (11.417 million ha). Given the linear increase in herbicide-resistant weeds, every annually cropped field in...

Single and sequential applications of glufosinate provided excellent control of Group 2 and Group 2 + 9 resistant kochia. Treatments containing sulfentrazone (which were experimental and not registered) caused excellent control but unacceptable crop injury. Layering strategies with ethalfluralin and/or carfentrazone followed by glufosinate may...

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