Large seed and shallow seeding independently improved organic barley and oat production. In organic production, pre-seeding tillage is an important weed management strategy, however this can cause drier seeding conditions. To compensate, greater seeding depths are often used, which may reduce crop performance. A 2-year research project...

When stripe rust severity was low, resistant and intermediate wheat and barley varieties did not suffer significant yield losses. When leaf spot and stripe rust disease levels were high, a foliar fungicide application was necessary to reduce yield losses even on resistant varieties. Seven spring wheat...

Averaged over 6 years from 2010 to 2015, growing canola in rotation with other crops produced 19.4% (9.4 bu/ac) higher yield over continuous canola. Wheat yields were 4.7 bu/ac (7.2%) higher than continuous wheat. When a rotation included pea once every three years, a saving...

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