Weed control has typically focussed on preventing yield loss with the side benefit of controlling weed seed return to the seedbank. This research proposes to turn that approach on its head by developing an understanding of when weed control is critical to prevent the return...

Soybean grown in narrow rows shortened the critical weed-free period (CWFP) by up to three soybean developmental stages at site-years with increased weed pressure. Low-density soybean stands lengthened the CWFP by one soybean developmental stage compared with higher-density soybean stands. Generally, the cultivar with the...

The critical weed free period for lentil starts at the five-node stage and lasts until the 10-node stage. Research found that applying Clearfield herbicides to lentils at the five- to six-node stage provided the best weed control and highest yield. Two research studies conducted at the...

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