Glyphosate resistance was detected in 87% of kochia samples, while 45% were dicamba-resistant Kochia resistant to multiple modes of action is a significant problem across the Canadian Prairies. Herbicide resistance to Group 2 ALS inhibitors  was first identified on the Prairies in 1988, and a 2007...

Kochia with resistance to glyphosate was found at 78% of sites sampled, with 44% of sites exhibiting fluroxypyr resistance, and 28% with dicamba resistance. Triple resistance to Group 2 ALS inhibitors, Group 9 glyphosate, and one of the Group 4 synthetic auxins was found at...

Yield losses caused by kochia competition are high, with mean losses reported to be 68% in grain corn, 62% in sorghum, 52% in soybean, 46% in sugar beet, 40% in silage corn, 23% in sunflower, 20% in spring wheat, 13% in canola and field pea,...

A randomized-stratified survey of 315 sites in Manitoba found that, overall, 58% of the kochia populations tested were glyphosate-resistant, while 1% were dicamba-resistant. There was a rapid increase in glyphosate-resistant kochia over a five-year time frame, and the survey also confirms the first cases of...

Effective pre-emergent or pre-emergent followed by post-emergent (two-pass) programs tested in this research on the U.S Great Plains should be proactively utilized by growers to manage glyphosate/dicamba resistant kochia in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend (glyphosate/dicamba-resistant) soybean. A similar approach may prove useful for western Canadian...

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