Patch expansion was attributed mainly to natural seed dispersal or seed movement by equipment at time of seeding. Extensive seed shed from plants in patches before harvest or control of herbicide resistant plants by alternative herbicides minimized seed movement by the combine harvester. Wild oat plants...

A survey of early adopters of physical impact mills found that wild oat (60%) and kochia (50%) were the weeds most frequently mentioned as specific motivators for impact mill purchase. Average increased fuel cost for a mill was estimated at $1.40/ac, with average annual maintenance...

Redekop Seed Control Unit, an integrated reversible cage mill with blade system that provides Harvest Weed Seed Control, was assessed for volunteer canola control. Blade configuration in combination with chaff feeding rate did not affect volunteer canola control, which remained above 99%. Harvest Weed Seed Control...

Model predictions suggest that farming can remain profitable without glyphosate by consistently utilizing key non-herbicidal weed management practices combined with robust pre-emergence soil residual herbicide treatments. However, maintaining low weed seed banks will be challenging. The possibility of farming without glyphosate is an important issue facing...

Trends in herbicide resistance management over the past decade were identified and include renewed efforts by the agrichemical industry in herbicide discovery, cultivation of crops with combined (stacked) HR traits, increasing reliance on pre-emergence vs. post-emergence herbicides, breeding for weed-competitive crop cultivars, expansion of harvest...

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