Integrated weed management (IWM) strategies using increased seeding rates, 2 years of early cut silage barley, and a rotation with competitive winter cereals improved control of wild oat and foxtail species (green and yellow). Treatments with IWM also improved control of lamb’s quarters, cleavers, kochia,...

Based on wild oat seed viability, early clipping of wild oat panicles before seeds are viable, in short-statured crops, may become a valuable tool for integrated wild oat management. Wild oat is one of the most problematic weed species in western Canada due to widespread populations,...

Seeding a tall cultivar at 80 seeds/ft2 in early May along with the application of an in-crop wild oat herbicide resulted in the greatest stand establishment and crop biomass, as well as the lowest weed biomass in flax. Flax is a poor competitor with weeds, and...

Trends in herbicide resistance management over the past decade were identified and include renewed efforts by the agrichemical industry in herbicide discovery, cultivation of crops with combined (stacked) HR traits, increasing reliance on pre-emergence vs. post-emergence herbicides, breeding for weed-competitive crop cultivars, expansion of harvest...

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientists Hugh J. Beckie and K Neil Harker identified herbicide-resistant weed management practices that have the most impact on managing herbicide selection pressure. Their top 10 management practices are based on research and growers’ experiences over the last 30 years....

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