Lentil intercropped with faba bean or chickpea had higher total seed yield and LER (Land Equivalent Ratio) than monocrop lentil. Field pea intercrop with faba bean and chickpea produced smaller seed yield, LER and inconsistent results compared to monocrop field pea. Intercropping has gained interest in...

Averaged across 4 years, tall stubble increased yields by about 13% and short stubble increased yields by about 4% compared to yields from cultivated stubble treatments. On the semi-arid Prairies, moisture is often the limiting factor in pulse crop production. While this research is 20 years...

A new economic threshold of 36 ± 7 aphids (29 to 43 aphids) per 180 degree sweep was calculated for Saskatchewan lentil, and provides 7 days lead time to arrange insecticidal application. The economic injury level was calculated at 78 ± 14 aphids (64 to...

New Australian research shows that lentil crop improvement through a combination of hybrids and hybrid mimics could be used to substantially boost yields as high as 50 per cent greater than commercial varieties. Hybrid vigour or heterosis can be generated in a wide variety of...

Pea and lentil root lengths and depths were assessed as a breeding tool for cultivar selection. In field pea, the highest yielding cultivars were intermediary in both total root length and the proportion of root length found below 12 inches (30 cm) in the soil....

Ten lentil cultivars were found to be susceptible to Sclerotinia white mold and Botrytis grey mold. The highest yields were found on dryland plots at a seeding rate of 16 seeds/ft2. Irrigated plots yielded significantly less, and had significantly higher disease incidence. Sclerotinia white mold, caused...

Botrytis grey mould doesn’t share the same limelight as Anthracnose or Ascochyta blight, but it can be an occasional foliar disease in lentil. Limited research has been conducted on foliar fungicide application timing, but one study in 2002 and 2003 found that a single application...

Based on wild oat seed viability, early clipping of wild oat panicles before seeds are viable, in short-statured crops, may become a valuable tool for integrated wild oat management. Wild oat is one of the most problematic weed species in western Canada due to widespread populations,...

The research suggests that improving pulse nitrogen fixation by targeting an increase in nodule numbers and nodule biomass could help improve long term cropping sustainability and reduce reliance on inorganic N fertilizer. In addition, developing pulse varieties with improved water-stress tolerance may improve the N-fixation...

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