The overall Economic Injury Level was found to be around 9 to 23 Lygus bugs per 10 sweeps using $15.47/bu ($682/tonne) canola prices. However, insecticide trials on farmers’ commercial fields found that yield was protected from Lygus feeding with a foliar insecticide application at the...

Research in southern Alberta found that canola fields seeded in April were the most susceptible to cabbage seedpod weevil. A new action threshold of 25 to 40 cabbage seedpod weevils per 10 sweeps at early flowering stage was developed. When cabbage seedpod weevil populations were...

Lygus bug and chocolate spot disease can damage faba bean seed. Research found both organisms are widespread in central and southern Alberta. Seed damage occurs independently of each other, and is primarily caused by lygus bug. Seed damage caused by lygus bug (Lygus spp.) or chocolate...

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