On Dark Brown soils, the use of a dual-inhibitor EEF resulted in increased grain yield and delivered improved net return benefit compared to urea. Other EEF sources tested yielded similarly in the Dark Brown soils. However, in the Black and Grey soils, the EEFs tested...

Canola yield increased by up to 40% with increasing N rate up to 134 lbs/ac (150 kg/ha) pre-plant (i.e. close to seeding) application via broadcast or banding. There was no significant difference in yield between pre-plant only N application and a split pre-plant plus top-dress...

Liquid UAN with an urease inhibitor in a split application optimized N use efficiency, grain protein, yield and yield stability. EEFs did not affect greenhouse gas emissions. With the development of enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEF), winter wheat growers have the opportunity to improve nitrogen use efficiency...

On dryland sites that have low to moderate productivity, winter wheat growers should band all N at planting to ensure maximum grain yield and protein content. For irrigated winter wheat production or in dryland areas with high yield potential, a split application of fall banded...

Growing soybean on high soil mineral nitrogen (N) fields, or when N fertilizer was applied in increasing rates, resulted in an increase in volunteer canola competition and a corresponding linear decrease in soybean yield. Research was conducted in Manitoba looking at the resource-ratio (R*) hypothesis. This...

Management strategies such as split N application and the use of a plant growth regulator can help reduce lodging while maximizing yield and protein in spring wheat production. Farmers are achieving higher wheat yields today than in the past; however, there remains a gap between yields...

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