Up to 90% of total variation in soybean yield and quality was explained by environment, seeding date, cultivar and their interactions, with environment often responsible for the majority of the response. Overall, very late seeding reduced yield, seed weight, and oil but did not affect...

All of the fungicides and fungicide mixtures tested in field experiments reduced root rot in Fusarium infected soybean seedlings. Varieties were identified that could be used in plant breeding programs to develop Fusarium-resistant varieties. The potential for growing soybean in southern Alberta has increased with the...

Starter nitrogen (N) up to 75 lbs. N/ac broadcast and incorporated before planting a Maturity Group 00 soybean cultivar found no differences in biomass, grain protein, or oil content. There was no yield response for treatments receiving starter N fertilizer relative to the unfertilized control...

Soybean grown in narrow rows shortened the critical weed-free period (CWFP) by up to three soybean developmental stages at site-years with increased weed pressure. Low-density soybean stands lengthened the CWFP by one soybean developmental stage compared with higher-density soybean stands. Generally, the cultivar with the...

Eight of nine fungicides tested helped to manage Fusarium root rot in soybeans in Alberta. Several soybean varieties were identified with partial resistance to Fusarium root rot. Root rot caused by Fusarium spp. is prevalent in soybean crops in Alberta. The objectives of this study were...

Sensitivity of pulse crops to seedrow placed nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur fertilizer products was lentil > pea ~ chickpea > soybean ~ black bean > faba bean. Overall and under good moisture conditions, a maximum of 10 kg N/ha rate as starter in the seedrow...

Seedling blight and root rot in soil-inoculated Rhizoctonia solani plots decreased soybean stand establishment by 48% and reduced yield by 52% compared to control plots with low levels of R. solani. No significant differences in disease severity, nodulation or yield loss were observed among the...

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